Saturday, December 24, 2005

View from my kitchen window

For a larger size click on the image.


At 18 January, 2006 00:30, Blogger Dawn said...

What a great view you have from you window:) The top pic has a very mystical feel, nice

At 15 September, 2006 07:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

At 15 September, 2006 07:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
My homepage | Please visit

At 15 September, 2006 07:13, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! |

At 27 May, 2007 10:21, Blogger Unknown said...

looks like you've found the way to Narnia


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